
creative writing lesson plan

Creative Writing Lesson Plan:

"The Future Adventures of the Yays"


To inspire creativity and imaginative thinking through writing about the future adventures of the Yays (previously known as the Nays) To encourage students to develop storytelling skills and explore different possibilities for the characters.



1. Book Recap

  • Begin by recapping the story of 'The Nays Find Their Way.’
  • Highlight the concluding line about wondering what adventures the Yays could possibly go on in the future.

Main Activities:

2. Group Brainstorming:

  • Facilitate a class brainstorming session to generate ideas about potential future adventures for the Yays.
  • Encourage children to think about the different settings, challenges, and characters they could encounter.

3. Character Development:

  • Discuss the Yays as characters and their traits. Ask children to consider how the Yays might grow and change in future adventures.
  • Have children create character profiles for the Yays.

4. Imaginative Writing:

  • Provide each child with a blank sheet of paper or a notebook.
  • Ask them to write a short story or create a series of scenes envisioning the Yays' future adventures.


5.Story Sharing:

  • Allow children to share their written pieces with the class.
  • Encourage classmates to ask questions and provide positive feedback on each other's stories.
  • Reflection:

    6. Class Discussion

    • Discuss the diverse ideas presented in the stories and how each child interpreted the future adventures of the Yays."
    • Explore common themes and exciting twists in their narratives.


    8. Create a Class Book

    • Compile all of the stories into a class book titled "The Future Adventures of the Yays.”
    • Design a cover and include illustrations or drawings related to each story.

    9. Reading Celebration

    • Arrange a reading celebration where children can take turns sharing excerpts from the class book with their peers.

    Homework/Extension Activity:

    10. Illustrate the Adventures

    • Assign children the task of illustrating scenes from their stories or creating a visual representation of the Yays' future adventures.
    • 11. Author's Showcase

      • Host an "Author's Showcase" event, inviting parents or other classes to listen to the children’s stories and view their illustrations.
      • Adjust the lesson plan to suit the age range and learning abilities of the children. Email Christine Harris using the contact details on the website to receive personal feedback from the author for your school! Enjoy the vibrant and imaginative artistry inspired by 'The Nays Find Their Way’!

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