
english lesson plan

English Lesson Plan:

Exploring Creativity with 'The Nays Find Their Way'


To engage children in a creative exploration of language and storytelling. To enhance comprehension and vocabulary through 'The Nays Find Their Way.' To encourage children to express their creativity through writing.


1. Book Introduction

  • Introduce the story of 'The Nays Find Their Way' highlighting its themes of adventure and saying 'yes' to new experiences.
  • Discuss the importance of storytelling and how it can capture the imagination.

Main Activities:

2. Vocabulary Hunt

  • Create a list of key words from the book (e.g., adventure, hesitancy, yes, no) and have children find and discuss their meanings.

3. Character Exploration

  • Discuss the characters in the story. Ask children to describe the characters' traits and actions.
  • Encourage creative thinking by asking how they might react in similar situations.

4. Creative Writing - Say 'Yes' Story

  • Have children imagine a new adventure for 'The Nays' where they say 'yes' to something unexpected.
  • Ask them to write a short story or draw a comic strip about this new adventure.

Interactive Exercise:

5. Role-Playing

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a scene from the book.
  • Have them act out the scene, encouraging creativity and teamwork.
  • Reflection:

    6. Sharing Session

    • Allow each group to share their role-playing scenes or creative stories."
    • Discuss the different ways children interpreted and expanded upon the story.

    7. Individual Reflection

    • Ask children to reflect on how the characters' decisions in the story relate to real-life situations and choices.


    8. Class Book Review

    • Facilitate a collaborative book review session where children express their thoughts and feelings about 'The Nays Find Their Way.'

    9. Creative Expression Showcase

    • Display children’s drawings, stories, or role-playing scenes in the classroom to celebrate their creativity

    Homework/Extension Activity:

    10. Create a Sequel

    • Challenge children to write a sequel or an additional chapter to 'The Nays Find Their Way,' exploring what happens next in the characters' adventures.
    • Adjust the lesson plan to suit the age range and learning abilities of the children. Email Christine Harris using the contact details on the website to receive personal feedback from the author for your school! Enjoy the vibrant and imaginative artistry inspired by 'The Nays Find Their Way’!

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