
pshe lesson plan

PSHE Lesson Plan:

"Embracing Positivity with ‘The Nays Find Their Way’


To encourage children to embrace new challenges with confidence and enthusiasm. To explore the power of saying 'yes' to new experiences. To inspire children to step beyond their fears for positive outcomes. To encourage children to express their creativity through writing.


1. Book Introduction

  • Begin by asking children if they have ever felt hesitant to try something new and if they have ever said 'no' when they really wanted to say 'yes.'
  • Introduce the story of 'The Nays Find Their Way' as a fun and relatable exploration of embracing new experiences.

Main Activities:

2.Read Aloud

  • Read the story aloud, pausing to discuss the characters, situations, and emotions encountered by 'The Nays.'

3. Class Discussion

  • Facilitate a discussion about times when the children have faced similar situations.
  • Encourage sharing of feelings and thoughts about trying new things.

Interactive Exercise:

5. The "Yes" Jar

  • Provide each child with a small jar (or use one jar for all of the class) and encourage them to write down one thing they would like to try or say 'yes' to.
  • Discuss as a class what trying new things could bring into their lives.

  • Reflection:

    6. Group Sharing

    • Allow children to share what they wrote in their "Yes" jars, fostering a sense of community and support.

    7. Reflective Writing

    • Ask children to write or draw about a time they said 'yes' to something new and how it made them feel.


    8. Closing Discussion

    • Recap the main lesson: the positive outcomes of saying 'yes' to new experiences.'
    • Emphasise that embracing challenges can lead to personal growth and exciting discoveries.

    9. Book Recommendation

    • Suggest other books that share similar themes or lessons about courage and exploration.

    Homework/Extension Activity:

    10. Family "Yes" Challenge

    • Encourage children to discuss the lesson with their families and challenge each family member to say 'yes' to trying something new during the week. Children can share their experiences in the next lesson or during Show and Tell sessions.

    • Adjust the lesson plan to suit the age range and learning abilities of the children.

      Email Christine Harris using the contact details on the website to receive personal feedback from the author for your school!

      Enjoy the vibrant and imaginative artistry inspired by 'The Nays Find Their Way’!

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